The information below includes resources for students in the Department of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences.
For more information about the resources provided through the Office of Student Services, please click here.
- My GW
MyGW is the portal to access all GW systems, including GWMail, Blackboard, GWeb, and other university services.
- Course Registration & Drop/ Add
Course Registration
The GWeb registration system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (not including university holidays). For detailed instructions on how to register, please visit the Office of the Registrar's website.
Adding and Dropping
Using the GWeb Registration System students can add or drop classes on their own. Students adding or dropping after the first day of classes are strongly encouraged to contact their academic advisor for guidance. Visit the Course Drop Refund Schedule for current semester dates and deadlines.
- Academic Calendar
The School of Medicine and Health Sciences and BLS in particular, does not follow the standard GW calendar. Please rely on the Health Sciences Spring 2022 Semester Important Dates Schedule to view the semester academic calendar.
- Textbooks and Course Materials
Textbooks and course materials are posted 4-6 weeks before the start of each semester. Order books soon after you register to be sure you have them before classes start.
Book information is available via the Schedule of Classes, each course has a link to textbooks and course materials. You can also access this information through the GW Bookstore.
- Go to GW Bookstore.
- Enter your GWID or "Shop by Courses"
If you purchase textbooks outside of the GW Bookstore use the ISBN found after searching your books as outlined above.
- Paying for Classes
All payments must be received by the first day of class. Please visit GW's Student Accounts Website for detailed information on how to pay and to set up a payment plan, if needed.
The Student Accounts Office is happy to answer any billing questions. Contact them at sao@gwu.edu or (202) 994-7350 Monday through Thursday 8:30 am - 7:00 pm EST or Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EST.
If you wish to apply for federal loans, you must submit the Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the academic year. In addition to the FAFSA, you may be required to submit supplementary documentation for federal and private loans. Students who receive financial assistance must adhere to the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance at finaid@gwu.edu or (202) 994-9000.
The Admissions Office must have your social security number (SSN) on file before financial aid can be processed. If you did not include your SSN with your application, please contact the Health Science Admissions office at (202) 994-8528.
- Technology Support
Division of Information Technology (DIT) provides information and support to all GW students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call (202) 994-GWIT (4948) or email ithelp@gwu.edu.
- Academic Resources
Library and Database Access
As a student within the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, your home library is the Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library. The School of Medicine and Health Sciences offers a Himmelfarb Library Online Orientation and The Himmelfarb Library tutorials will familiarize you with the many resources available for students. Additionally, you have access to the university’s main library, the Estelle and Melvin Gelman Library.
ALADIN gives you access to resources from off-campus including material requests from university partner libraries. Use your last name and GWid to log in to ALADIN. If you need assistance with ALADIN, contact the Gelman Library Circulation Desk at (202) 994-6840 or librcirc@gwu.edu and identify yourself as a Health Sciences student.
Off-campus students should use the Virtual Private Network (VPN). Login with your username and password for GWMail. This will allow you to use the online library resources as if you were using an on-campus computer. View the Login From Off-Campus tutorial for step by step instructions.
Several other Research Tutorials are available to provide further information on the research process.
GW Writing Center
The GW Writing Center offers free individual tutoring for GW students. Tutors are available during any stage of the writing process: brainstorming, organizing information efficiently and clearly, developing a strong thesis, addressing grammar and punctuation issues, providing evidence in support of an argument, and presenting the findings of an experiment or the solution to a research problem.
Tutors are available by telephone for off-campus students. Arrangements are required in advance. Email gwriter@gwu.edu to schedule an appointment.
Office of Student Support
- University and Health Sciences Program Policies
Academic policies for Health Science graduate and undergraduate students, including those related to admission, transfer credits, academic standing, degree requirements, and enrollment status are provided in:
- George Washington University Bulletin
- Health Sciences Programs Bulletin
- Biomedical Laboratory Sciences Department Student Handbook (located within the student communities in Blackboard)
The Guide to Student Rights and Responsibilities contains the following university policies:
- Military and Veteran Services
As a military or veteran student we understand you bring unique skills and experiences to GW. Along with those skills and experiences, however, you often face equally unique needs and challenges. The Office of Military and Veteran Student Services offers a range of services and information including a helpful checklist, Yellow Ribbon Program procedures, the certification process, and a service center all designed to help you meet those challenges and achieve your academic goals.
For assistance please call (202) 994-9570 or email vetserv@gwu.edu. The office is open Monday through Thursday 9:30 am - 5:30 pm, EST or Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm EST.
- DegreeMap
DegreeMap is your program of study and snapshot of your current academic progress. The DegreeMap Planner offers an individualized guide for course selection and registration each semester. DegreeMAP is accessed through the GWeb Information System.
- Under "Access with GW Email" click on "Current Student" and login with your NetID and Password
- Navigate to the "Student Records & Registration" header
- Click on "Student Records Information Menu" and then "DegreeMAP"
If you notice an error on your DegreeMap, or have questions about the recommended course sequence, please contact your advisor. Tutorials are available through the Office of the Registrar.